The League of American Bicyclists (LAB) recently published the first nationally recognized Learn to Ride (LTR) curriculum. Funded by my p/t employer woom,, the curriculum includes materials for teaching children and adults how to ride. I was honored to co-author the curriculum along with my colleague, Preston Tyree. Thanks too, to Bike NY, who started the process of formulating a LTR curriculum several years ago.
I certainly hope that the curriculum provides greater awareness around learning to ride a bike. For children, the use of training wheels can actually delay learning to balance. Training wheels require leaning to the outside of a turn, which is the opposite of the correct method of riding a 2-wheeler. The child then has to “unlearn” the way they were riding with training wheels before learning to balance. Additionally, training wheels do not teach balance.
Access to the curriculum is available on the LAB website: